Let's Learn Arabic with Arabic Institute

The Arabic Institute

Let's Learn Arabic

The purpose of the Arabic Institute is to develop Arab language teaching and skills so that we can hear the voice of the Arab people. We need to be able to understand what they are saying. And we need to be able to respond in an appropriate language. The Arabic language is one with a long tradition and part of the Semitic languages whose roots can be traced all the way back to Accad.
As children we hear a language being spoken and our responses are understood. This is how we learn the language. Later we realized that it can be written and can be read and then we learn to write letters that we see and understand already.
The words crystallized in front of us as we read them. And so this learning phase starts with understanding simple conversation, every day words used by the Arabic people in and around Jerusalem. Each area of the Arab world has its own dialect. When writen or read in is either either the classical script or modern narratives this modern form is known as Fus-Ha.
Two sources that I have come across that have assisted me include: madrasafree for Hebrew speakers
and madina arabic good for learning reading and writing
Please keep in mind that Arabic has no capital letters.
It has many letters with sounds not familiar to English speakers.
"ch" represents the back guteral that sometimes people will pronounce as an "h".
long vowels are represented by doubling of the vowel as in aa, ii, oo

Lessons1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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